Monday, October 19, 2009

12 October 2009

Today I achieve my 50th year milestone. I thought to myself even if I do not make it, 50 out of 75 (average male lifespan) is not so bad. Looking back, my life has been a roller coaster of ups and downs but I am particular satisfied with one aspect. I really have a good and close family, the ability to live with my parents and spend each day of the week for the past 49 years (I spent about one year working in Saudi Arabia) is not that bad. My wife relationship with my parents is also very good and so is my relationship with my mother-in-law.

My second last day of work is boring practically waiting for the work day to end. Except for one handover meeting at 11am, there is practically not much to do and I spent much of the time reading the Gerson therapy. I have completed the filing and almost completed the handover report.

My energy levels are average and I spent most of my time indoors. Since I took up this job four months ago, I have been taking train to work but have been driving for about one month now. This is to avoid the additional risk of getting H1N1 infection as the trains are packed with people. I noticed sometimes my heartbeat is irregular. Could it be that my mind is playing tricks after I had this condition? I have been very sensitive about my body noting any changes, if any. I need to learn to spot symptoms if my body is degenerating.

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