Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Revised Therapy Timetable

I said this before and will say it again. It's really difficult to follow the Gerson Therapy alone. I am still adjusting everyday as I get along. My mom helps me to stew the vegetables that I eat for lunch and dinner. Everything else I have to do myself. It's frustrating most of the time.

After some thinking, I have revised my schedule to as follows:

- Juicing at 6.30am and thereafter every hour stopping at 12.30pm. That's seven cups of juices. Resume juicing at 2.30pm to 6.30pm for another 5 cups. Total 12 cups.
- Oatmeal breakfast at 7.45am.
- Lunch at 1.15pm starting with Hipocrates soup and then backed potatoes with stewed vegetables. Dinner at 7.15pm menu same as lunch.
- Marketing for vegetables/fruits at 10.50am.
- Oatmeal time at 10.45am and 3.45pm
- Coffee enema at 9.45am, 2.45pm and 8.45pm.
- 8.15pm start homeopathy treatment and ends at 10.30pm.
- Oatmeal supper at 10.45pm.
- Bedtime at 11.00pm

As you can see, the schedule is rather cramped. It really tough surviving a cancer. So all of you, please do prevention. Once you missed, it difficult to catch up. I will need to come up with some schedule to allow me to catch some nap as this schedule can really be tiresome. I may also have to decline meeting some friends now and then.

Today I started eating the potatoes in place of brown rice. Potatoes is not part my normal diet and it is really difficult to eat just after consuming one potato. I tried really hard but I think I may not survive another potato meal tomorrow. I am already on the 11 week of the Gerson nutrition diet and in worst case scenario, I will revert back to brown rice and take my chances. Actually I started with the potato meal when I first started but vould not maintain it and then substituted with brown rice. Now I have come full circle with the same problem. Today, my preparation of the Hipocrates soup was a partial failure. Firstly I omitted to put in the leeks and secondly I did not watch over the boiling that resulting in spilling when the soup came to boil. Sigh...

As I said previously, although I look OK, I am not sure if internally nothing new has developed. Once in a while, I get jabbing around the ribs but of late I noticed some pain on the bone of my right thigh. This development could be bad. I have been doing further reading on renal cell cancers. Please see separate blog on this.

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