Wednesday, March 10, 2010

180 Days and Counting

Today marks the end of 180 days since the discovery of my tumors. For the past 6 months, I have been trying very hard to survive literally. Now that the stabilising phase have passed, I am now working towards the next six month. My current view is really short term and is to ensure that I survive 2010 first, taking small steps at a time.

As you know, I have introduced two additional complementary therapies for my treatment i.e. Oxygen Therapy and also Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Oxygen therapy entails the supply of 30% oxygen content in air directly over the nostrils which aid in recovery. The TCM prescribed to me by my acupuncturist is a general prescription to fight cancer. It performs cleansing and detoxing the body. The next six months is directed to reduce the tumors and like the first six months will be challenging.

The pain on my left shoulder is less painful and I hope it will go away be end of the week. However, the pain on my back after lying flat on the bed is still there. There is no pain when sitting or standing or lying on the side. The ulcers has reared its ugly head again. I have two mouth ulcers for the last two weeks. Last Saturday I ate the over baked rye bread made by my sister-in-law YC and now I also have a painful throat. I try at best to let these painful problems heal naturally.

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