Sunday, March 20, 2011

What Causes Cancer? - Part 2

This is a quote (from Four Women Against Cancer, Page 53-54) which refers to research done in 1890 (not a typo):

In 1890 the distinguished pathologist William Russell (1852-1940) first reported "cancer parasites" in cancer tissue that was specially stained with carbol fuchsin, a red dye. The "parasite" was found inside and outside the cells. The smallest forms were barely visible microscopically; and the largest parasites were as large as red blood cells. Russell also found "parasites" in tuberculosis, syphilis and skin ulcers.

Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD has observed a cancer microbe literally drill through the cell wall of a healthy cell in order to try and escape a highly acidic environment outside the cell.

In fact, in the past 100 years many cancer researchers, from before Dr. Royal Rife to Dr. Robert O Young and Dr. Gaston Naessens, have known cancer was caused by a microbe which was inside of the cancer cell. In other words, a microbe was able to penetrate a normal cell and turn the normal cell into a cancer cell.

But how does this microbe turn the cell cancerous?

The Mitochondria

Inside each cell are mitochondria (pleural of mitochondrion). These mitochondria are where the energy of the cell is created in the form of a molecule called ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate). The chemical process by which ATP is made start with what is called "The Krebs Cycle" or the "Citric Acid Cycle." This cycle of chemical reactions leads to the creation of ATP.

But as a spin-off of the Krebs Cycle, the Electron Transport Chain (ETC), creates even more ATP molecules than the Krebs Cycle.

In a cancer cell, the Krebs Cycle is broken and hence the ETC is broken also resulting in the breakdown of the energy in the cell (i.e. the number of ATP molecules) drops dramatically.

When the Krebs Cycle is broken, the cell is generally able to fix the cycle, thus restoring the energy in the cell but not when the cell is a cancerous cell. Instead the broken Krebs Cycle and broken ETC are maintained.

The Chain of Events That Cause Cancer

1) Due to a weakened cell membrane, which can be caused by a carcinogen or many other things, a microbe is able to enter inside a normal cell (as Dr. Young stated, the microbe is pleomorphic and this can help the microbe get inside the cell which is still normal at this point),

(Note: the microbe(s) can also get inside a cell during the cell division of a cancer cell. For example, when a cancer cell, which already contains microbes, divides, there will likely be microbes in both cells which result from the cell division.)

2) The microbe, once inside, intercepts the glucose entering the cell (most microbes eat glucose),

3) The microbe excretes "mycotoxins," dangerous hormones and perhaps a thick slime (mycotoxins are the normal excretions of microbes),

4) Because mycotoxins are very, very acidic, the inside of the cell becomes highly acidic, which is a characteristic of cancer cells (in fact the longer a cell is cancerous, generally the more acidic it becomes),

5) The cell's mitochondria (which convert glucose into energy) get very little glucose because the microbe has intercepted most of the glucose,

6) What the cell's mitochondria does get is lots of mycotoxins and other harmful garbage, which it cannot convert into energy,

7) The mitochondria's energy level (ATP provides the key energy of a cell, but ATP is created by the Krebs Cycle and ETC) plummets because it is living in a sea of filth, meaning the ATP energy drops,

8) Signals are sent to the insulin receptors and glucose receptors on the cell membranes to grab more glucose,

9) More glucose enters the cell (about 15 times to 17 times more), but most of the glucose is intercepted by the microbe (which may be multiplying) and the mitochondria are bathing in an increasingly large sea of mycotoxins, dangerous hormones and possibly slime. Technically, the glucose is normally converted into pyruvate and it is the pyruvate that enters the mitochondria, but without glucose there is less pyruvate.

10) Because there is a limit to how high the activity of these two types of receptors can become there is no way for the mitochondria (and thus the ATP) to get enough glucose/pyruvate and energy,

11) The cell is now officially cancerous because its energy level drops (the ATP energy levels can be compared to the steps of a ladder) and it is defined to be anaerobic.

In this process, two things happen. First, because of the microbe(s) the break in the Krebs Cycle and ETC are broken as long as the microbe(s) are inside the cell.

Second, each sick cancer cell contains very healthy microbes living inside!! Because the microbe(s) are healthy, and the cell is sick, it makes it very difficult to kill the microbe without killing the cell.

Note: By the way, the microbes also excrete enzymes which help the cancer spread by breaking down the collagen outside the cells.

Thick Protein Coating of Cancer Cells

The microbe creates a thick protein coating on the outside of the cancer cells. No one knows how the microbe creates this coating (most likely the microbes excrete the enzymes themselves) but there are some things that are known about it.

Protein Coating may do the following things:

1) Intercept glucose, which is a known fact because cancer cells consume much more glucose than normal cells (by the way, vitamin C has a very similar molecular shape as glucose, and vitamin C kill microbes, which may explain why vitamin C is helpful against cancer),

2) Keep oxygen out of the cell (microbes hate oxygen, thus it is likely one of the purposes of the protein coating is to keep oxygen out of the cancer cells),

3) Blocks the immune system from recognizing the cells as being cancerous.

Understanding the thick protein coating is critical for treating cancer. It is well known in alternative medicine that proteolytic or pancreatic enzymes cut apart this protein coating. This is also one reason why some alternative therapies such as Gerson Therapy emphaize on low protein intake and patients goes on high pancreatic enzyme supplements.

Cutting apart these enzymes thus may help other treatments, such as hydrogen peroxide or MSM, work better. For example, any hydrogen peroxide, ozone, etc. cancer therapy may be aided greatly by the proteolytic enzymes because the proteolytic may help get more and more oxygen inside the cancer cells by cutting apart the enzymes.

To be continued.


  1. why don't you do IV vitamin C therapy as a adjunctive therapy to the gerson.

    if you want a link or more info look at

  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I am aware of IV vitamin C.

    I am considering other alternatives. Please see Part 3, my next installment on What Causes Cancer? as I will be sharing other alternatives.
